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Zsweet and Gelatin: Metabolic Match – Pair Up to Pare Down

One of the most followed approaches to weight and fat loss is appetite suppression. An overwhelming amount of dietary supplements and food products claim to deliver it. Slowing down your appetite on its own can be a misguided or possibly meaningless approach to keeping body fat levels in check. Doing this in conjunction with a means to speed up fat burning, however, is universally desired.

These are major trends in diet and supplementation for metabolic health today. Combining these methods can turn the body from a fat storing machine into a fat burning machine.

  1. Lowering sugar/carb intake
  2. The explosive power of consuming gelatin and the similar, but hydrolyzed form of collagen (peptides).

Combining erythritol, the dominant ingredient in Zsweet, with gelatin makes a lot of sense for five big reasons:

  1. Gelatin and Collagen peptides are KetoSafe protein sources at most reasonable doses. In addition, gelatin has been shown to reduce appetite in a large way.
  2. Erythritol, when properly formulated into tabletop sweeteners like Zsweet, is KetoSafe and will not impact your fat burning machinery.
  3. Erythritol has also recently been shown to boost fullness (satiety) hormones and reduce appetite.
  4. Gelatin and collagen peptides support a Keto diet and have properties that boost fat burning.
  5. All forms of collagen improve the properties of Zsweet in baking, cooking, and other recipes.

If you are looking for ways to optimize your diet and supplement program,  look for recipes and products that are KetoSafe and provide a winning combination of erythritol and gelatin.


  • Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jun 1;310(11):E1053-61. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00037.2016. Epub 2016 Apr 26.
  • J Nutr. 2009 Dec;139(12):2285-92. doi: 10.3945/jn.109.110403. Epub 2009 Oct 28.

    Zsweet x Everly Sour Gummies ⚡️

    We partnered with our friends over at Everly for this sweet, energy boosting, on-the-go recipe! Using grass-fed gelatin (keep an eye out for a follow up blog post on the benefits of Gelatin), a little Zsweet, and Everly’s Fruit Punch powder this sweet snack will curb your craving, and increase your energy all at the same time! (We’re thinking these are going to be a road trip staple) Check out the recipe below:

    Zsweet x Everly

    1 1/2 TSP @goeverly fruitpunch Powder
    1/2 Zsweet Supersweet Packet
    3 TBSP Grass-fed Gelatin
    1 1/2 TSP Lemon Juice
    1 1/3 cup filtered water
    1 TSP @goeverly Strawberry Lemonade Powder (omit if you do not want sour-like flavor) •

    Whisk all ingredients but the strawberry lemonade in a small sauce pan.
    Heat over low heat until mixture loses its "applesauce" consistency and starts to liquefy.
    Let cool for about 1-2 minutes. Pour into molds. (We used the dropper that came with our gummy molds to make for easy transfer) Allow gummies to sit. You can either do this by placing molds on a flat surface in the freezer, fridge or on the counter. The freezer is your quickest option and will take about 10-15 minutes to set. Remove from molds and lightly dust the gummies in the Strawberry Lemonade Powder for a sour finish. Store in airtight container in fridge.